T-854 Lapis

now available in MATTE!

Lapis, a glazed terracotta wall tile collection, captivates with its distinctive 6 semicircle section, creating a mesmerizing three-dimensional effect on the ribbed surface.

With 27 color options and surfaces, LAPIS eliminates the need for grout, inviting you to imagine your wall adorned with vibrant hues reminiscent of a playful display of colored pencils!

  • Material :: Ceramic

  • Application :: Wall, Interior, Kitchen & Bath, Wet Area, Commercial, Residential

  • Stock Options :: Not Stocked in US

  • To request a sample, first select a color below.


    Abisso Velato Craquele
    Amthyst Craquele
    Argento Siderale
    Bianco Maiolica Craquele
    Bleu Notte Craquele
    Bruno Dorato Metallo
    Ciccolato Craquele
    Cotto Cerato Naturale
    Denim Silk
    Giallo Senape Craquele
    Grafite Silk
    Lago Intenso Craquele
    Lago Limpido Craquele
    Lago Velato Craquele
    Nero Laccato
    Nero Madreperla
    Nuvola Intenso Craquele
    Oasi Intenso Craquele
    Oceano Velato Craquele
    Rena Intenso Craquele
    Rena Limpido Craquele
    Rio Velato Craquele
    Rosa Craquele
    Rosso Corallo Craquele
    Tortora Craquele
    Verde Oliva Craquele
    White Moon Craquele
    White Moon Silk

    Special Pieces

    Lapis Modulo 3
    Lapis Modulo 1
    Modulo Medium
    Modulo Short
  • Field sizes

    4 x 12

    1.3 x 12

    8 x 12

  • Documents